porcelain Tag

You simply don’t have a choice, when you’re out in public you are at the mercy of the nearest restroom. The conditions aren’t always ideal and the appliance in question often looks like its straight outta 1940’s Army boot camp. It is what it is, but at home – that’s where you have a say. Your home is your kingdom, it’s where you’re most comfortable, why not make the most of it? You have the freedom to change whatever you don’t like, to make modifications that cater to your preferences. Why not? You work for a living, you’ve earned it. And...

I love hot tubs and Jacuzzis. If you have the opportunity to purchase hot tubs, do not hesitate! They are one of the best experiences in life. But owning your own Jacuzzi is so expensive and labor intensive that the only really good option is to live in a complex that has one.  While this solves all the cost and labor issues it then creates the new issue of having to share the space with the rest of the complex.  So a very nice compromise is to have a great shower in your bathroom. The privacy of your bathroom makes the shower...