shelves Tag

Unlock hidden kitchen solutions No, it’s not some new innovation. It’s not a scientific breakthrough. It’s more like a much overlooked old reliable standard. It’s a system everybody has used because it’s practical. It’s neither trendy nor fashionable. We are speaking, of course, about open shelves. Yes open shelving has been around for years. Most people don’t think twice about it, it is taken for granted for the most part. Despite not being in the forefront, it’s not going anywhere either. It’s a storage solution that has proven itself and it is here to stay. The rustic look isn’t necessarily of mass appeal,...

Investigating the pros and cons of each You’re second-guessing the standard choice of upper cabinets for your new kitchen. You’re considering options like open shelves or, of even minimal ambition, nothing at all! Perhaps we can help you narrow the playing field with an analysis of the advantages and drawbacks of each.   Standard upper cabinets are known for providing plenty of storage within an elegant symmetrical design. The design options are so plentiful you are almost assured you’ll find the perfect set to match any theme you have established or are pursuing, right down to the hardware. When they are desired, upper...