17 Nov 10 Pre-Remodel Tips for the Bathroom
Use these ideas for a hassle-free bathroom project
You’ve been pining for a bathroom remodel for years and now you are finally able to map out the details. There are several things you’ll need to do to facilitate a smooth ride and prevent any potential headaches. Educa5te yourself about the processes involved as much as possible. Being informed is invaluable and will greater protect you from surprises. You’ll want to know a number of details, like how much space is needed for each bathroom accessory, what type of vanity works with the space best, and you can also check out these popular bathroom designs to find a great design for your bathroom. Communication is the key – maintain an open dialogue with your building collaborator to ensure your involvement. Here’s a list of things to consider/determine upfront:
1. Know the costs
When entering into a project it is important to accurately assess the situation, consider the size of the room, talk to a bathroom designer Egham and get detailed quotes for everything you plan to do. Discuss the quality of the materials you want to use and determine what elements of the job, if any, you may undertake solely.
2. Decide what to Keep
Sure, you’re updating the bathroom with new materials but stop and consider what’s worth keeping. Obviously newer parts don’t need to be replaced if it isn’t necessary, but what about vintage finishes? For instance, why not keep the existing wall tiles? You could be getting in over your head trying to replace those to begin with. Keep them, save some cash and retain a cool retro style. Get some advice from plumbers on which plumbing fixtures and parts need to be replaced and which ones can be retained. For instance, if you have an old water heater, have it inspected through experts like https://epicfixedit.com/plumbing/water-heater-installation/ to know if it needs water heater repair or replacement.
3. Arrange a lighting design
Base your choices on how well lit the room is naturally. Is there an abundance of sunlight that keeps it bright? Are there any windows at all? With the former, you want to work with existing light by incorporating layers of illumination. Talk with your professional about task, accent, ambient and decorative lighting that are designed to work with and maximize the use of what’s available. In the case of no windows, you must first establish a primary light source, which will typically be installed on the ceiling or above the mirror. From there you may add-on to build an arsenal of ancillary lights.
4. Know the measurements
You’d be surprised how much smoother planning a remodel will go the more familiar you are with the space. By knowing the standard sizes of a variety of tub and toilet models, and how much space your room offers, you’ll be able to contribute like a pro by eliminating excessive trial and error.
5. Consider shower potential
Countless people have bathtubs that they never use in a bath capacity. Sure, they take showers every day, but that’s about it. That’s wasted space! If you convert the space into a stand-alone shower, however, it would be cost effective – it makes use of the plumbing that’s already installed and ready to go. Meditate on converting it to an extra spacious shower.
6. Take toilet responsibility
The costs around you are escalating, so take as much of this project into your own hands as possible. Pick out your new toilet, transport it home and install the thing yourself. The entire procedure is actually quite easy and may be performed quickly.
7. Place the toilet out-of-sight
It’s an old design rule, actually, having the toilet positioned so that it is not the first thing you see in a bathroom. Why? Essentially it’s out of the way so that it’s not visible to passerby when the door happens to be open. Get it? There are plenty ways of “concealing” the toilet, choose one that diverts the focal point effectively. If you need to move the toilet, make sure that you seek the assistance of professional plumbers.
8. Oh, the vanity
Picking the right vanity is important. It’s one of those things that need to be done right the first time. It is imperative to have the right size in relation to the space. If it’s too big, smooth traffic flow will be inhibited, too small and you’re fighting over counter space. You want to set it at just the right height, and determine how much storage it needs to offer. Explore our range of vanity units and freestanding baths today.
9. Think: Ventilation
The only way to successfully prevent any occurrence of mold or mildew is to ensure proper ventilation. Ideally you should have two methods of drying the bathroom and removing moisture (the factor responsible for the bacteria growths). A fan is typically built-in and vents to the outside, while an open window allows Mother Nature to do her part.
10. Take it to the Limit (here & there)
Factor in a few indulgences into your budget. Especially in the case of smaller kitchens, splurging a little extra for high-end fixtures is a good investment that will make it all look a bit luxurious. Do an assessment, what can be covered with basic inexpensive materials? Then, look at wall and floor coverings and countertops on the higher end. You may want to enhance the value of the home by upgrading these sections of the bathroom.
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