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From Glass to Green - A guide to the most prominent cabinet styles The choices you make for your kitchen are important, and you have to be able to live with them. They will not only establish the style that will be prevalent for all to see, they will determine how efficiently the kitchen functions as well. In this in-depth directory, we take a detailed look at all of the types and styles of kitchen cabinets that are available. Most of what you need to know is right here (and anything else is surely within the pages of this site!).  DOOR...

Know the distinctive traits common in the world of traditional kitchens Traditional kitchens flourish in a wealth of exquisite features. It doesn’t matter what worldly style is used to influence the setup, it will always share a number of certain combined elements affiliated with its popular arrangement. If you're planning a kitchen remodeling project, consider drawing inspiration from traditional kitchens. For instance, pay attention to the architectural details. They’re everywhere, rarely is an area missed. It seems as if even the most finite components are embellished. But the best related design assemblies aren’t overbearing or gaudy, they’re a tasteful potpourri of arches,...

Investigating the pros and cons of each You’re second-guessing the standard choice of upper cabinets for your new kitchen. You’re considering options like open shelves or, of even minimal ambition, nothing at all! Perhaps we can help you narrow the playing field with an analysis of the advantages and drawbacks of each.   Standard upper cabinets are known for providing plenty of storage within an elegant symmetrical design. The design options are so plentiful you are almost assured you’ll find the perfect set to match any theme you have established or are pursuing, right down to the hardware. When they are desired, upper...

We’ve all been there – that awkward moment when you use a certain bathroom for the first time, only to find a most unfavorable placement correlation between the toilet and window. You’re further distressed to see the window open. What’s this, no curtains or blinds?! You won’t be in a rush to use the facilities here again. And that is exactly what you don’t want for your own home.  You want your guests to be comfortable. Problem is, you have a similarly unfortunate layout where a peek in the window could result in seeing something one shouldn’t. Well, the good news is...

Undoubtedly, most of us have a bathroom that features the shower combined with the bath. It’s extremely common. Sure, we’d like to have a luxurious tub dedicated to baths and a fancy enclosure designed solely for showers. But in the world of the common person, a Custom Design Shower accommodates both. And with it comes a standard option – choosing a shower door that swings or slides open, or a shower curtain that can be pulled open or closed. It may be a no-brainer for you. You might like the decorative touch a curtain provides. On the other hand, the durability...

I love hot tubs and Jacuzzis. If you have the opportunity to purchase hot tubs, do not hesitate! They are one of the best experiences in life. But owning your own Jacuzzi is so expensive and labor intensive that the only really good option is to live in a complex that has one.  While this solves all the cost and labor issues it then creates the new issue of having to share the space with the rest of the complex.  So a very nice compromise is to have a great shower in your bathroom. The privacy of your bathroom makes the shower...